
Showing posts from 2018

The Strap

Strap. What did first hit your mind after you come across this word? You must have thought it is just a piece of cloth or a flexible material or leather used for securing, fastening or carrying something or to hold something. It is so simple. A strap is used in numerous things. Wherever it is used, it has a sole purpose of fastening, securing or carrying. It is used in bags so that we can hold bags. It is used as a metal that is hinged for holding or securing things. It is also used in bra. Yes, you got me right. A strap is also used in a bra. And what is this bra? I hope all of us here are familiar with this word. We wear clothes for covering our body. The strap in any bra does the same work of fastening and securing, like it does in any other thing. There’s nothing new in any bra strap. So, if the strap does the same work wherever it is used then why do people feel a bra strap should be hidden. And if somehow it is not hidden then why do they consider it to be something heinous.


Hey Guys, welcome to my blog. Today let's talk about love. Love... What is love? Okay so, we are not going to have an answer just like it had in a movie. Instead, we are gonna talk about love in respect to real life scenarios.                                                               Actually, it is very complicated to define love. Love is the feeling that makes us do things- we thought we weren't capable of. It is the most powerful emotion among all emotions. It is the thirst that makes you strive for the one you love. It is an intangible feeling towards someone or something. Love is an unconditional connection. It is also an uncontrollable urge. Now, feeling attracted towards someone is a bit different from love. If you ask for my opinion I would say it is like a sugar in the cake. It is like sun peeping through clouds on a chilly winter morning. It is like finding a hundred rupees old note(of which I had no clue) in a book or in my jeans pocket. Well, don't cons

Tips To Get Self-Motivated

What is self motivation?  Self Motivation is the ability that helps us in moving further without any other external impulse. It helps us in possessing the ability to accomplish our goal even if we don't have any other encourager or supervisior. It can be understood as an enthusiasm or interest for doing something. But how can one be self-motivated. Is it possible to get self motivated? Yes, we can. And it doesn't require much effort. We all can have this ability. All we need is to give it a kick start. So, now let me tell you few tips for getting self-motivated. Know who you are - It's not about knowing your name and from where you belong. It's about knowing what are your interests, strength and your weaknesses. It's about knowing what makes you feel low and what makes you happy. It's about knowing your insecurities. Work on yourself. Unless you don't know yourself well, you can never understand other people and their nature. Don't lose HOPE-  Wh

Baby steps to Happpiness

Hi folks. Today I am going to tell you some baby steps for getting happiness. Before you start reading further, just recall when was the last time you were happy. Now if you have recalled then you must have recalled the reason of your happiness as well.  The reason may be anything- may be its quite big and or may be its a small reason. And if you want to be happy on a daily basis then let me tell you, it's quite simple. But wait- it has been said in order to be happy one needs to work hard. So, how's it easy? Okay I am gonna tell you this. The first step : Bid ADIEU to negative things in your life.  But how? Very simple. Just don't pay attention to toxic and negative thoughts. The one who pays heed to negativity is the one who lacks positivity. When you don't have positivity in your life, it becomes very difficult for you to find happiness. Just ignore false and negative statements. Focus on good sayings. The second step:   Do not let yourself get affected by wha