
Showing posts from June, 2018

The Strap

Strap. What did first hit your mind after you come across this word? You must have thought it is just a piece of cloth or a flexible material or leather used for securing, fastening or carrying something or to hold something. It is so simple. A strap is used in numerous things. Wherever it is used, it has a sole purpose of fastening, securing or carrying. It is used in bags so that we can hold bags. It is used as a metal that is hinged for holding or securing things. It is also used in bra. Yes, you got me right. A strap is also used in a bra. And what is this bra? I hope all of us here are familiar with this word. We wear clothes for covering our body. The strap in any bra does the same work of fastening and securing, like it does in any other thing. There’s nothing new in any bra strap. So, if the strap does the same work wherever it is used then why do people feel a bra strap should be hidden. And if somehow it is not hidden then why do they consider it to be something heinous.